Located in our CCB2 Building
6 to 10 year olds
Currently available to siblings of children enrolled in childcare or CCB Kindergarten Programs
Hours: 7:30 am-8:45 am & 3:00 pm-5:30 pm
Extended hours available: 7:00 am-7:30 am & 5:30 pm-6:00 pm
Full-Day Care on School Holidays and Breaks included in enrollment
The Children’s Center School Age Program provides a relaxed and accepting atmosphere which enables children to make an easy transition to and from school. We believe that school age children need guidance, love and support from the adults working with them while respecting the unique personalities, interests and independence that the children are developing.
Recognizing that our school age children have been engaged in many learning tasks throughout their academic day, the CCB school age program offers time to relax, unwind and enjoy less structured time with the advantage of consistent teachers and friends.
The program offers group and individual experiences in art, sports, and cooperative games. Teachers promote the exploration of individual interests and support and facilitate these pursuits.
A nutritious snack is provided daily as well as a warm and welcoming atmosphere where children may work on homework with the help of our staff. A portion of our school age afternoon is spent engaging in physical activity in our indoor gym or large playground. The school age children also have access to the CCB art room and library.